Friday 31 August 2012

Project One Statement

Resources on our plant are limited and fifty years from now sustainability will be at the forefront of architecture. Sustainability is a complex problem and requires a deeper understanding of the key issues.  As a group we had to envision a future for our world and particularly our site Woodfordia.  Our understanding of the key issues has changes numerous times over the process however our ideas can be distilled to these key values

- Priority to planet
- Communitarianism
- Interdependence
– Democracy
– Humanity part of nature (permaculture?)
–  Sustainable production, consumption, development, lifestyles
– Gender equality
– Intercultural and inter religious tolerance/harmony
– Conflict resolution through cooperation/negotiation
– Safekeeping through security

These ideas form a framework that can be applied to all aspects of our society. Our understanding of our future is people need to seek to adopt the framework. Woodfordia can be seen as a catalyst in a journey to apply these values. Adoption of these values is only possible if people like their alternate lifestyle. “Hedonistic Sustainability” is the idea of being sustainable but not giving up your standard of life but rather enhancing it. Our group envisions Woodfordia to provide education through experience. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed the rigors of conceptualizing Woodfordia. Reflecting on the process I now see that as architects we have a greater role than being the designer of buildings we also need to be the designer of ecosystems, ecosystems where we consider ecology and economy and control the flow of resources such as heat, energy, waste and water. By doing this it is possible that we can create a world in Woodfordia where people can experience a life that is as enjoyable if not more than their current lifestyle but with out any planetary guilt.

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